Your Rights - Practical Information
Your Rights - Practical Information

Housing & accommodation options
Find out more about your rights to stay in your home, housing options if you can't stay safely at home, answers to frequently asked questions about staying in your home, getting your partner to leave or changing a tenancy into your name. There is also a link to a list of contact details for your local council to find out about getting temporary accommodation.

Find out more about staying in refuge and read answers to frequently asked questions like "How do I get a place in a refuge?" and "How long can I stay in refuge?"

Legal action
Find out more about protective legal orders that you may be able to apply for and how to find a solicitor.

Child contact
Find out more about child contact, going through family court and using child contact centres. You can also find answers to frequently asked questions on topics like using mediation, what you can do if you are concerned about your child's welbeing with your ex-partner or whether court-ordered child contact arrangements can be changed.

Reporting to the police
Find information about domestic abuse and the law and read answers to frequently asked questions like "How can I report domestic abuse?"; "What will happen if I report domestic abuse?" or "What are my rights when reporting domestic abuse?"

Attending court as a witness
Find answers to frequently asked questions on topics like whether you will need to go to court and what could happen if you don't as well as further information about giving evidence and sentencing.

Finances & benefits
Find out more about finances and benefits including options for help if you are in financial crisis.

Immigration & asylum
Find information about your rights and support available if you are an immigrant and experiencing domestic abuse from your partner.