Disabled people
Disabled people

Domestic abuse can affect anyone, including people of all different abilities.
Domestic abuse is so much more than hitting and physical violence; it can be emotional, sexual and financial too. It’s a pattern of behaviour – not a one-off argument – that leaves you feeling scared, intimidated or controlled. Nobody deserves to be treated this way.
If your partner is abusive it is not your fault, and there is nothing you could do differently that would make them change their behaviour. Often abusers will tell you it is your fault that they are acting that way, or that they only behave like that because they love you. Love is never an excuse to treat someone badly, or to be abusive.
Because domestic abuse is about power, abusers can use lots of different ways to get control. Disabled people have many of the same experiences as non-disabled people.
Anyone can experience domestic abuse, and experiencing domestic abuse as a disabled person can sometimes have specific challenges.
Your partner may use your disability against you. Some specific issues disabled people may experience can include:
- Not letting you have important care or medication
- Taking away equipment or aids to limit your independence
- Making you feel guilty by telling you it is hard work to care for you
- Claiming your disability benefits but not letting you have the money or not letting you spend it in the way you would like
- Telling you that you aren’t capable of looking after your children because of your disability and threatening to contact social work
- Finding it difficult to ask for help because there are additional barriers to accessing services and support.
It’s important to know you are not alone and that we want to support you.
We are here 24/7, and you can reach us by phone, whatsapp, text, web chat, or email.
If you have a hearing or speech difficulty, you can call us using a text relay service Relay UK and British Sign Language (BSL) users can contact us through Contact Scotland BSL
If you need information on this website in a different format please contact us, we’ll consider your request and get back to you within 5 days.
Who else can help?
Disability Information Scotland
Disability Information Scotland provide a range of general disability related information to disabled people. The helpline can deal with issues including benefit enquiries, employment, discrimination cases, equipment, grants and trusts, access, holiday information, and signposting to local sources of help and advice.