Information & Support
Information and Support

What is domestic abuse?
Information about domestic abuse and coercive control, a link to our domestic abuse quiz, as well as frequently asked questions like "Will my partner change?" and "What causes domestic abuse?"

What is forced marriage?
Find information about forced marriage, including about the law and legal options and getting further support.

Who is affected?
Find information specific to the experiences of women, men, children and young people, young people in their own relationships, LGBT+ people, disabled people and people with an unsettled asylum or immigration position. Information also given on further support.

Planning for safety
Find information on planning for safety in different situations, such as in an emergency; while still living with your abuser; after you've left your abuser or your abuser has left. Information also given about safety planning if you are at risk of being forced to marry.

Your rights - practical information
Find specific information about your rights and options regarding housing and accommodation, including refuge; taking legal action; child contact; reporting domestic abuse to the police; attending court as a witness; finances and benefits and domestic abuse in relation to immigration and seeking asylum.

I'm worried about someone
Find answers to frequently asked questions like "How can I support someone who is experiencing domestic abuse?" and "How do I start a conversation with them about the abuse?". Also gives suggestions for the types of questions you could ask someone you are worried about.

Guidance for professionals
Information for different groups of professionals supporting someone who may be experiencing domestic abuse or who is at risk of being forced to marry. This includes information for employers, health professionals, teachers and social landlords. Information also given about Scottish Women's Aid training and policy and campaign work.